On the night of 24th March 2022, 22 Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) from the Rwenzori region paid a protection solidarity visit to Female Sex workers defenders in Kabarole district. The solidarity visit took place at a Moonlight activity and comprised of;
Composition of WHRDS that made the protection solidarity visit.
- 5 WHRDs from Kabarole district (4 defending rights of sex workers and 1 Female Journalist WHRD.
- 1 WHRD defending rights of Gold miners from Mubende
- 7 WHRDS defending rights of gold miners in Katwe
- 1 WHRD from Ntoroko defending rights of victims of Gender Based Violence (GBV)
- 4 WHRDs from Bundibugyo ( 1 WHRD defending land rights and 3 WHRDs defending rights of the Batwa indigenous community.
- 3 WHRDs from Kasese district. 1 defending rights of the disabled, 1 defending rights of GBV victims and 1 defending rights of sex workers.

Challenges faced by Sex Workers Women Human Rights Defenders
During the solidarity visit, the Sex Workers Women Human Rights Defenders (SWHRDs) expressed concerns of challenges they are facing due to the nature of their work that include:
- Threats from clients
- Raids on their homes
- Physical attacks
- Police surveillance while conducting health outreach work
- Threats to relocation from the area they sell sex after becoming known HRDs
- Public defamation campaigns
- Discriminatory exclusion from policy making